Twenty-four Days of Blogging, Day 8: A Passing Thought

I've been visiting schools this week and next. It's lovely being at schools near Christmas. The decorations are beautiful and the children (and adults) are brimming with excitement for the coming celebrations and time off. Today I attended mass for the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the children of one of the schools, and it was a wonderful liturgy and a nice break in the day. I love almost everything about school visits.

Except for seeing the flag at half mast…it seems that every time I've visited a school there has been a tragedy requiring the lowering of the school flag. These children are going to grow up thinking this is the natural place for a flag to be, as we rise them in a world where terror and violence are practically accepted as a regular part of life.

Let's do something about this.

As always, I welcome your comments.

One thought on “Twenty-four Days of Blogging, Day 8: A Passing Thought”

  1. I am beginning also to wonder about the flags at half-mast. I am not overly wedded to the news cycle so I can’t claim I always know what’s going on the world and country but some days I see flags at half-mast and have no idea why they are there. I certainly don’t remember them being lowered to half-mast as often when I was younger…

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