Coming Soon: 24 Days of Blogging

This morning I reviewed my new year’s resolutions for 2011. To be honest, I’ve done pretty well on most of them, but then, near the bottom of the list I read:
“Post articles in blog at least 2x a month.”
To quote Rick Perry, “Oops”
Between not having time to write and not having ideas when I did have time, I have done a very poor job with this blog this year, and time is running out.”
So here’s what I decided to do, beginning December 1, I will be posting a daily article for 24 straight days. That’s right, a digital Advent calendar of thoughts on technology, education, and both. There may even be a virtual chocolate as you open the door for Christmas day!
So for those of you (are there any of you?) who check this space, get ready for a gusher!
Also, if you have any ideas for articles or posts, I’d be much obliged…it might avoid the “I love Ariel font” post on December 22. So as always, I welcome your comments.