Going “Live”

I have experimented with three entries before sending out the link to this site. I’ve had three reasons for this.

  1. I’ve been learning how to use the program and it’s only now that I’m feeling comfortable with navigation and composition
  2. I wanted to figure out some of the paramenters of how I would use the site
  3. I wanted to make sure that this type of communication was comfortable for me (somewhere in the blogisphere there must be a directory of one-entry blogs!)

I’m pretty good with #s 1&2 and only time will tell with 3. Similarly, I’m pretty sure that some of you may enjoy this type of communications and others will not.

I’m using the eee pc for all blog entries. I want to get some idea how it works as a practical tool (and not a toy). I’ll present my thoughts about the pc in a bit.

If this is your first time visiting the site, you can use the links on the right to read the first two entries.  I’ve also attached two RSS feeds that I watch with tips for educators.