Preview of Coming Attractions

Yes, yes, yes, I've been quite scarce in the blogosphere recently. If it were not for my general record of sporadic performance, I know that many would have given up. However, this break has been caused by more that the usual busyness and sloth. I've been gearing up for something.

Yes, folks, beginning December 1, I will once again attempt the 24 Days of Blogposts. I first tried this blogging Advent calendar two years ago, and though successful in entries, I was so dried out at the end that I swore never again. However, like childbirth, eventually as the pain dulls, amnesia sets in, and off we go again.

As with any decision in life, I think there are many reasons of varying virtue. Of the ones I'm aware, here are a few:

  1. Nothing focuses me on a subject like writing about it.
  2. Writing daily practices skills of style and awareness
  3. The best place to write a quick blogpost is Starbucks, and I love to go to Starbucks (in one right now).
  4. The seasons of Advent and Christmas are times of intense (many would say maudlin) feelings for me, and this helps to process them a bit.
  5. This is a way to shamelessly pad my yearly total of blogposts, giving me the appearance of a regular writer.
  6. I don't have any travel or workshops in December, and I can't stand not having needless additional pressure.
  7. I can't stand not writing!!

So expect the launch in five days. I hope that some of you will enjoy this.

I invite your comments, or even more helpful suggestions for topics!

Image: 'anthony & the johnsons:knockin' on heaven's door' Found on


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